Teach effectively using simulation | Practical learning in a small group environment | For all health professionals
Interprofessional education | Interdisciplinary expertise | ANZCA-accredited generic instructor course
This hands-on workshop will give you the tools and confidence to utilise ultrasound guided cannulation in your everyday practice.
Dr James Rippey, ED Physician and his team of ultrasound gurus will equip you with tips and tricks to learn this valuable skill.
This 90 minute workshop qualifies for ANZCA CPD points under the Emergency Response category. Perfect for anaesthetists and all medical specialists.
Join this practical session involving hands-on scenarios, covering a wide range of arrhythmias and ALS emergencies. A great refresher for all senior medical staff.

The Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Simulation Centre is a high-fidelity simulation suite with video recording facilities and debriefing rooms. It is an educational facility at North Metropolitan Health Service for medium to high-fidelity simulation courses.
The ethos of the SCGH Simulation Centre is to provide high quality medical simulation for health professionals to improve patient safety and clinical standards in medicine. We aim to encourage inter-professional training across Perth to improve teamwork and collaboration across disciplines.
SCGH Simulation Centre Courses
- ANZCA ALS Workshops
- Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care (BASIC)
- Cardiac ALS (CALS) Courses
- Central Venous Catheter workshop
- Critical Care Intro course
- ECMO and ECPR courses
- Focussed Echocardiography Life Support Course (FELS)
- PACU Fundamentals Course
- Procedural Sedation Course
- Refresher Anaesthesia Crisis (RAC)
- Readiness for the Initial Assessment of Anaesthesia Competency Assessment (RIAACT)
- Simulation Instructors Course (SIMAC)
- SimTech Course
- STAR Course – Skills training for Anaesthetic Residents
- Suturing Workshops
- Toxicology Course
- Ultrasound Guided IV cannulation
SCGH Simulation Centre Facilities
- Lecture room – capacity 50 people
- SimCapture audio and camera recording capability
- Two debriefing rooms
- Two high fidelity Simulation suites with control rooms and camera/AV facilities
- Two skills rooms
Please contact us to discuss options for running simulation courses at the centre.
For enquiries regarding costs and booking the centre, please use the Booking Form and send to scghsimcentre@health.wa.gov.au.
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